Monday, January 10, 2011

Time to reflect...

Nothing lasts forever. The world keeps spinning. Time keeps on moving. We keep getting older. Everything changes, but sometimes it happens so fast I want it to just STOP so I can take a step back, a few deep breaths and have a look at the  sitation from a different perspective. Stop, so I can capture the moment, savour the moment, before it’s gone. Stop, So. I. Can. Think!!!

After my little breakdown and freak out about moving this after noon, it is time for a ‘things I am thankful for’ list.

Today I was most thankful for

~Hot cups of tea. No matter what it is, a warm beverage always makes you feel better.

~Memories of being a kid that allowed me to reflect on times gone and accept that things have to change and know that it doesn’t have to be a bad thing!!!

~Mummy’s reassurance. For making me feel better and remembering that she is never going to be far away. No matter where in the world I am.

~Being reminded that I don’t have to do anything alone.

~Knowing that it will be okay.

~My big, fat white teddy bear :)

I still have this bear on my bed. I love to cuddle him, He is so soft and comforting!

Reality check

Ok, So I’m a little bit scared about the whole moving thing. I know I’ve said it before, but it seemed to hit me big time this afternoon. I had a little cry and tantrum. It’s all happening so fast I can’t quite get my head around the fact that it’s actually all happening. I don’t like things changing and now everythings changeing at once and I’m scared as all fuck! I know I’ll be okay. I know I’ll get used to it and work it all out. I want this to go smoothly. It needs to be organised and run smooth. I don’t want to be stressed through the whole thing and not be able to get my head around it properly. I also don’t want to get moved and settled and realise I can’t afford it. I. Want. This. To. Work! For once, I want things to go smoothly and work out right and not crash and burn. Everything seems to be falling into place, I think that’s what scares me. I’m not used to things being easy. I’m scared of going away from Mum. It’s only an hour away, but I’m a Mummy’s girl.

I know I’ll be okay. I’ll get settled in and get into a routine and learn to fend for myself. I’ll make friends and create a new lifestyle, find work and settle into a new community… a new life.

Well, that’s my rant for today. I feel better now!!! And…

I’ll be okay.

Time to be a big kid :)

So I’m a little bit freaked out about the whole moving thing. I’m pretty sure I have somewhere to live and don’t have to worry about furniture and bond and such, and the house looks lovely. My potential new housemate seems very nice and welcoming. Everything is falling into place. Although, It’s. A. HUGE. Step! I’ve barely been away from home for much longer than a week and I’m about to leave home and move an hour away from Mum and Dad. But I’ll be okay, time to grow up and be a big kid now :)

Other than that, My big adventure trip to Sydney is getting closer and I’m getting incredibly excited! Especially considering it’s probably the last holiday I’ll be able to take for quite a while! I’ve got my tickets booked and all the necessary I.D. and proof of concession entitlements sitting in my (brand new) 2011 diary. I figured it was time to buy a diary, my new found independance means I need to be a lot more organised considering I can’t rely on Mum all the time!! I’m a bit nervous though, I’ve never travelled on my own so 8 1/2 hours on a train is massive for me (I have bought three new books, uploaded new music to my ipod and am hoping to download a few games for my ipod to keep me from climbing the walls) and being in a big strange city is a little bit daunting but I’m sure E will look after me!

I really hope it’s nice and sunny and hot when I get there, I’ve forgotten what summer is supposed to be like. I’m so sick of the rain – No Tan Jan has been a breeze so far!!! I even went down to the coast fishing on the river with my brother today and didn’t have to worry much about sun protection, it rained most of the time (but I promise, under true No Tan Jan spirit I did indeed smother myself in sunscreen!) The fishing trip wasn’t very successful, I only caught one very small Brim, he was so cute! I unhooked him and sent him off on his way (after taking a photo of my acheivements!)

So that’s all I’ve got to report on, hope you are all having a lovely 2011 and everything is working out just how you want it too! (sorry this entry has been a little unorganised!)


Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The good outweighs the bad!

I thought once I left high school all the bitchy little comments and snide remarks would stop. I also thought the full blown verbal attacks would stop aswell. Aparently not, we live in a world that is so obsessed with popularity and acceptance. People attack those they see as lesser people to make themselves feel good. They look for flaws and imperfection in everyone, they find a weak spot and they attack. But they don’t stop there, they keep going. Get you while your down. They do as much damage as they possibly can. They don’t consider the emotional or psychological consequences of their words. “Fat slut” seems to be a pretty common one. ‘Ok cool, lets create some massive body image issues and do as much damade to a person and their self esteem as we can, whilst creating a social (stereotypical) reputation that sticks with them forever!’ Or you could just grow up and leave people alone to live their life? Nope, aparently that’s too difficult.

Cyberbullying seems to be pretty prominent this week. A friend of mine has been having some problems, and tonight I was commenting on a FB friends status when suddenly a wall of abuse exploded in my face. I’d been having a pretty good week, I was happy and finally felt like I wasn’t so alienated any more. Until tonight. But after venting to a friend, and then reading a blog with lists all the things which the author is thankful for I realised once again that there is always something good and special to outweigh the bad.
So in response to this blog entry: I’ve decided to create my own list of things that I am thankful for.

~Having such awesome friends who let me vent and rant and listen to me even though they have problems of their own. They really are angels, and I would be lost with out them! They most certainly have helped me more than I can explain. This song pretty much sums up how beautiful I think my friends are :)

~The opportunity to move on and start again this year
~My bed, with it’s big heavy doona and my new boomerang pillow
~My big white teddy bear
~Good books that let me escape my world
~Excitement about an upcoming holiday
~Blogs such as the one linked above that remind me that I need to appreciate the good things more often!
~My mum
~New friends

There is always something good, no matter how tough things may seem. What do you have to be thankful for?


Adventures :)

Everything seems to be a big adventure. Everything is a new opportunity, a chance for me to explore the world. Everything seems so perfect :) I am finally comfortable with life. I am loving the direction my life is heading. This year is going be a good year. I know it will, because I’m taking charge of my life! In three weeks I’m heading off to Sydney to stay with a friend, after that I’m moving out of home and getting ready to start Uni. Everything seems so positive and I love it!! :)
What big adventures do you have ahead of you??